Monday, June 30, 2008

New Doctor's and Davros Concept Art

Above you can see my concept art for the 5th and 10th Doctor. And below you can see some new concept art for Davros, the creator of the Daleks.

In other news a new comic is in production, which will be a Doctor crossover comic, and will feature Davros, Daleks, and familiar friends and foes. What do you think of my new concept art for the 5th Doctor, 10th Doctor and Davros? Please feel free to leave comments. Thanks!

~ Longnose


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your comic. I think you are a really talented drawer and your site is brilliant!!! I hope it goes really well. Please could you visit my site. It's and plz comment.
I'll add your site to my links.
~ Brad

Longnose said...

hey brad! not sure how to comment on peoples websites so ill tell you ere dat your web site is cool! love the new trailer! Davros has one of his classic rants jus like the old eps!

Brad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Longnose said...

thanks brad! ive also put you in my links!PS:ur site rocks!